The last four days have been so great, I had the opportunity to meet and interact with some truly amazing people that have taught me, challenged me and most of all inspired me. It all began on Saturday on when I attended DENappaloza Raleigh, sponsored by the WCPSS ITLMS dept. Saturday PD invokes dread in the minds of many teachers, but this is the second Discovery Education event I have attended on a Saturday, and again it did not disappoint. I met and attended sessions with educators who are doing exciting things and they are willing to share their resources plus they provide their contact info, so you can follow up and ask questions. Our day began with a keynote presentation by Dr. Lodge McCammon a former WCPSS teacher, who is also a professional musician and guru on innovative teaching ideas. During his hour long presentation, we were on our feet for at least 40 minutes, singing, dancing, and creating, not once did I feel tired, bored or want to sit down. It has been a long time since I took Biology, but after singing 46 Pairs a few times, I'm pretty sure I could explain the basis of mitosis to you if I needed to. His presentation was an excellent example of why our kids should not be expected to "sit and get" for an entire class period. We moved onto break out sessions and everyone of them provided at least one WOW moment for me.
So my brain was already pretty full of ideas and new information when I got home on Saturday, but I had little time to process and organize it, because Monday and Tuesday I had the pleasure to attend and present at the WCPSS Convergence Conference. The ITLMS department does this conference each Fall and Spring, and it is two days of non-stop learning. This year's theme was Wonder-Connect-Going Places, and it was the perfect description of what happened during my time with so many talented teachers, Media Specialists, ITF's and Administrators. Our opening session include a presentation by Peter and Paul Reynolds of Fablevision, "a company dedicated to helping all learners develop their true potential", and isn't that what we should all be striving to do everyday. I attended sessions on how to improve my collaboration with teachers, providing meaningful PD, Google tools (if you know me, you know I can NEVER get enough Google), and the Four C's, collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking, each presentation sent my brain into overdrive as I imagined ways I would use what I was learning. I love presenting at these conferences, because I share my knowledge, but I also gain so much from my audience as they share ways they can use the tools in the classroom, which allows me to add to my toolbox.
In addition to attending well prepared sessions, I also got to meet new colleagues, and reconnect with others, and best of all share what we are all doing in our schools. Someone recently shared with me the term "stealing awesomeness" and I love it. That is what I am doing when I attend these events, and I hope I am providing others with the some ideas they want to steal. There are innovative projects and lessons being carried out in classrooms all around Wake County, and beyond, and most of us love to share our ideas and see others replicate and improve them, we need to do more of that.
Needless to say my brain is now overflowing with new ideas, tools, information, and things I need to explore more, and that is why I feel like my head is about to explode. As I begin to process all that I learned I will be sharing it with you and I hope you will take what I provide and be inspired.